November, 2012

The election is over and the people have spoken.

The result was quite predictable: Obama won by almost 3% of the popular vote partly because too many of the American electorate are more concerned with reality TV shows, sports teams, and celebrity worship than researching who to vote for. And many others vote for whoever will give them the most free stuff.

Unless someone comes up with a strategy that inspires the majority of voters to actually pay attention and vote for who will best serve "we the people", we're in for more of the same.

The reality is that the main stream media is overwhelmingly liberal and feeds that philosophy to the lazy and apathetic not willing to look beyond the headlines. Where Bush was attacked regularly on the front page of newspapers and in lead-off stories on news casts, not a whisper of negativity was visible when Obama's activities or lack thereof, caused harm to our economy, international standing, and future well-being.

Katrina inspired countless liberals to write articles and give "news reports" castigating Bush for FEMA's handling of that crisis, while not a peep was heard of the drastically poorer FEMA response to Sandy and Athena, an even more devastating series of events.

Four Americans are killed by terrorists in Libya, more and more Americans give up looking for work, our soldiers are killed by people supposed to be their partners, terrorists attack us on our own soil and it is labeled work-place violence, and through it all the media is almost silent. The "Free Press" that our Founder's believed was so important is no longer free, it is wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

Unless someone can figure out how to make the press free again, or inspire the majority of voters to actually care enough to pay attention to alternate sources of information, we are destined to continue this slide into the cesspool of Socialism.

Rex A. Hoover