It’s our choice!
A power plant sucking water out of the ground depriving our wells; commuter rail transportation coming to an area where very few potential riders exist today; cell towers sticking up in the air conspicuous above everything else; --- what do all of these have in common? A county government with an agenda at odds with the expectations of our family, and we suspect, at odds with the overwhelming majority of others who have chosen Fauquier county as the place to establish our homes and businesses.
With these changes in our environment comes a fertile ground for development on an ever expanding scale. There is nothing inherently wrong with development if it pays its own way. But the reality is that when development comes, the cost of living for those already here rises dramatically. And that is exactly what we can all expect! More infrastructure that must be paid for by those already living in the county who will derive no benefit from the increased expense.
If you feel as we do, pay very close attention to whom you vote for in the upcoming elections. Sharon Grove McCamy has taken a stand that there will be “no new taxes”. Please join us and put her and people who think like her on the Board of Supervisors. Let us establish the basic principle that all decisions made at that level be based on the premise that whatever the outcome, it must be achievable without raising our taxes. Let’s make the developers that profit from their projects pay for the total cost of those projects from their profits or go to a county where the populace will passively accept whatever their local governments decide for them. It’s our choice!
Rex A. Hoover